Solitary Meanderer

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Is 1984 A Distant Possibility?

Two days ago I read Animal Farm by George Orwell. And a few minutes ago I put down his masterpiece - 1984. And already my mind is beclouded in so many thoughts. Reading this book somehow reminded me of Steven Spielberg's movie Minority Report. Can a totalitarian and yet supposedly a socialist welfare regime as portrayed in the book exist today or for that matter in the near future? Is that future really not far off when your thoughts will be known and you will be caught for deeds which you would presumably do in the future? Or is it just a matter of time before humans will cease to be humans and living out their lives mechanically as dictated to them? Is the present technology really capable of taking that definite and giant leap into the future when it would be possible to put each person's life under scanner and his every action will be watched upon?

Aren't these questions just as intriguing as the thought itself? I think George Orwell had a great insight of dwelling on the subject. After reading the book even I am convinced that past is really mutable. Who would deny that 2+2=5 if nobody ever proved that 2+2=4? 2+2 can just as well be 3 0r 6 0r 7! If the entire history of mankind save last 20 years be rewritten falsified, modified, remodified and again modified without any allusion to the past and the entire records pertaining to before that time made to vanish from the face of the earth...200 years hence people might as well say that the humanity came into existence only 200 years ago for then there would be nobody or nothing to refute that idea. And people will happily grasp and learn whatever will be drummed into their ears. They will submissively cling to the idea that theirs' is the utopian society regardless of their inhuman and wretched condition for then they will have no other model society to compare with. The meaning of the word 'utopian' will itself have lent to distortion and mutated beyond comprehension.

I can only hope that mankind never has to see the dawn of such an indifferent and malicious government where not only people will live under constant fear but their very ambitions and hopes will also die out.

I have written so much about this topic. But do I really care a bit about such a hypothesis becoming a reality? Frankly speaking, not at all because I am convinced that with so many sane and honest persons around; the society I just talked about doesn't stand a chance to come up! And even if it does, atleast I will not be there to witness that.

Au Revoir


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