Solitary Meanderer

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Question Of Buying A Laptop

Day before yesterday I got my first laptop i.e. I actually bought one. And this is going to be my first post writing from my lappy :) I will tell you how this idea of buying a lappy for myself caught up with me. Ok.. let me first give you some background. Our house is a three-bedroom flat. My mummy runs a playschool or kindergarten and so it happenned that one of the rooms was straightaway grabbed by my mom, for her school kids. Now, my dad is posted in Assam and he comes home every two-three months for a week or so. When we shifted to this flat a year ago, the rooms were furnished according to things that would go into them and the most coveted room was destined to be a host to our desktop pc. And so it happened that it was furnished in such a way that that room and the desktop pc got wedded forever. I wanted a room all to myself but good things in life seldom come. At that time I was staying in the college hostel as I was in the 4th year of my engineering. This combined with the fact that as often is the case with the youngest in the family I along with my secret desire of occupying that room was ruthlessly relegated to the other room, the one without the desktop pc, and mom & sis shifted to the prized room.

I am a game freak and have often spent sleepless nights just playing those pc games. But things were to change. As both mom and sis are early-to-bed kinds of, so they wouldn't hear of my staying in their room when they had retired to sleep.

But the arrangement was fine to me. I hardly spent any time home as I was too accustomed to the hostel life that sometimes I preferred staying there rather than coming home. And I think that was normal because for the last 6 years I had stayed away from home and as such I had become kind of detached from my family. And now after completing my engineering degree I have a good job and still have to listen to constant bickerings, if I overstay my welcome in that room, and ofcourse in night only. Last time it happenned two weeks ago and there I decided that it had to end. And what an expensive way to solve a problem. I had a grand and magnificent idea...why dont I buy a laptop instead?

Considering the price of the lappy in comparison to what I earn, which I will tell you later, I am sure you must be thinking that I am mad. What an outrageously impulsive guy I am? And if you think so, you are not alone :)

The reason that I have mentioned above was not the only one that was instrumental in driving me into buying a lappy. There are a lot many others, which I will tell you some other time and I will also tell you how I financed my lappy!! Till then,

Au Revoir


At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice post! I bookmarked your the way even I am planning to get a lappy......


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