Solitary Meanderer

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Ramblings At Midnight

Its 12:30 am and I am sitting in the office for from tonight starts my one week night duty in the office, which comes every two months. I just realized it has been a week since I wrote anything on this blog.

I am glad that tonight I don't have any work to do, which ofcourse is a rarity. I am listening to Pink Floyd now and I must say that I must have listened to their every song atleast a thousand times but every time I hear them, they always have that fresh & crispy feeling as if they are just out of oven. No doubt, its my favorite and of millions others too.

Tonight my writing is not going to make any sense. So all those who dare to read this post, please don't even think of putting together the loose ends :) Before writing my own blog, I always used to think, why do people actually write blogs? Why do they have to go the internet and pour their hearts out? Are they not scared that any tom, dick & harry will come and read their thoughts and will make fun of their very writings, which they have labored over so painstakingly? And most of all, do they really have to share with the world their deepest secrets, which they wouldn't have dared to reveal otherwise? I am only a three month old infant in blogging and I think I already know all the answers!!

Sometimes you just need someone, someone close to you, with whom you can share all that you have always wanted to share. You want that special someone to listen to you without any bias or any preconceptions. And what could be a better place to do just that but Internet !! Just go there and write whatever you want to or have always wanted to write. You want to remain anonymous - your wish is granted. You don't really care if anybody reads your blog and if indeed somebody reads it, that is an added advantage. You have done your job i.e. you have rid yourself from the burden of carrying immense and sometimes annoying thoughts in your mind. I know I speak less or is it that I pretend I am reticent, I dont know. I am still at loggerheads over this contentious issue :) And I also know that like me there are lot many others who are better at writing their thoughts rather than expressing them verbally. Give me 5 minutes to write about something and I can produce a beautiful piece of writing on that but I will find it hard to express that same feeling verbally. And this is one more reason that I in particular and people in general have taken to blogging big time. This is an avenue to vent out my feelings and to bring some order in my cluttered brain.

I have a funny reason as well. Say when I am going to be 55 or 60, I can always go to my blog and live my life in retrospect. And then, I will have all the leisure time to review my life and that too in the kind of a logbook. Hehe..

One note of advice to novice bloggers... Dont start a blog just for the heck of it, because it is highly addictive. I have already started having the feeling that one day I am going to be a great writer.... hehe :)

Au Revoir


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