Solitary Meanderer

Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Mountain Is A Mountain

Today I saw a wonderful movie ‘To Find a Man’.

It’s about a teenage boy, Andy, who gets his teenage friend, Rosalind, out of trouble. Rosalind is pregnant and desperately wants to have an abortion. The trouble is that her ex-suitor doesn’t want to take up the responsibility and she doesn’t have the resources to get it done all by herself. Moreover, she doesn’t want her parents to even get a hint about this. This is where her friend, Andy, comes to her rescue. He does all he can right from taking her to a public hospital to arranging all the money for the abortion. In the process, he also gets robbed of his money which he got after mortgaging some of his things. He is doing all this JUST for HER. Rosalind is perfectly aware of this but doesn’t pay much attention to his feelings and just wants to get over with the abortion.

In the end, Andy realizes that he just can’t make her realize what he thinks of her and that he should better get on with his life. He accepts this gracefully, and the movie ends with Andy making an indelible statement to Rosalind, ‘I used to think that a mountain is a mountain and a stream is a stream. Then I learned a mountain is not a mountain and a stream was not a stream. I have realized now that a mountain is a mountain and a stream is a stream.

The italicized statement has a subtle but a deeper meaning. Think about it! I would not have liked the movie as much as I do now if this statement was not there.

This movie was made primarily to highlight teenage sex in US but I think it’s very relevant in an otherwise context also.

Take a look at its IMDB profile at
To Find a Man

Au Revoir

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Eternal Quest - II

To set things in context, you can read the first part of this post at The Eternal Quest.

The icing on the cake is that he sends this email to her. Full stop! Mr. X is yet to discover the aftereffects of this

Until now, Mr. X let things happen in their normal timeframe and is not very happy with the time. So, Mr. X has decided that this time he would hit the nail directly on the head i.e. he would tell the girl in question directly what he thinks about her. And so, sitting in the office one evening he sends an email to her inviting her for a walk. Mr. X thinks that by doing this he would be as unambiguous as possible, and that the girl would like his honesty. But the ambiguity does arise as the girl is not at all ambiguous about Mr. X’s intentions. Full stop! The only aftereffect is that Mr. X and the girl try to stay clear of each other’s way.

Mr. X is an eternal optimist and believes in the theory, let bygones be bygones! He has now set his eyes on another girl in his office. This girl is in totally different department and he has no connection whatsoever to get in touch with her. Being very hasty the last time, he decides to be patient this time. So, after much thinking, selecting and discarding numerous strategies, and finally re-strategizing the final strategy, he gets to talk to her and they become ok friends. The problem is that Mr. X is becoming anxious with every passing day as things are progressing very slowly and he sort of tips off one day. The super problem is that the girl wants things to progress still slower as she has had two unpleasant experiences before, but of course Mr. X doesn’t have access to this secret information. Full stop!


Everything said and done, and everything being fine, Mr. X is not going to pursue all this anymore.

You just can’t make relationships happen if they can’t on their own. It just isn’t a one-way street. It has to dawn on both the sides and if it can’t, it’s just not worth it. And if it can, let it happen on it own, and it will.

It’s far more important to have good friends and consider yourself extremely fortunate even if you have only one friend, in which you can confide anything and everything. Just don’t do any stupid thing which might jeopardize your friendship and Mr. X has realized this the hard way. The last one month has not been easy and fortunately, at the end of it he found back what he almost lost at its beginning. He found back his best friend.

Some of you might still be wondering, how is it possible to be best friends with a girl? At some point of time, you would develop feelings for her! The answer is again, ‘It has to dawn on both the sides and if it can’t, it’s just not worth it. And if it can, let it happen on it own, and it will.’ It’s JUST NOT worth losing your friend because of some stupid thought of yours.

Mr. X is still a little old-fashioned :o)

Au Revoir

Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Moment of Joy

Through the glass door
I see her coming
Not far from it
Here I am waiting

Our eyes meet
My mind stops to register anything

All I see is her approaching figure
Everything else is just fading

The wait is over
Through the mist she emerges
The moment has frozen
Numb have gone all my senses

She holds my hand
And takes me to a quite corner
I am in a world of my own
I don’t know I just follow her

I want to say a thousand things
And words are what I don’t get
The silence is still golden
This is the moment to beholden

I know the silence is over
As I see her lips moving
All this while I never realized
That this is the moment I was dreading

Deep inside I have a fear
I might not have all the answers
A calm tension grips me
Because I don’t want to lose her

She speaks up
‘This is no way to meet someone’
And I say
‘I had to come’

She smiles at me
And I know everything is fine
I have never been happier
To have her back in my life

I have never been happier
To have her back in my life

Au Revoir

Sunday, September 02, 2007

If Only She Would Come Back

If only I could say sorry to her
For putting her in a predicament by asking her too much
For abandoning her when she least expected it
For giving her undeserved anguish and sleepless nights
And for hurting her faith in me
If only she would come back

If only I could remind her
Of all the endless talks
Of my stupid jokes and her resounding laughter
Of the moments spent just listening to each other’s breath
And of the moments when she most needed me
If only she would come back

If only I could make her realize
That I was an utter fool to go astray for sometime
That my respect for her has only increased
That things are exactly as they have always been
And that we both have only limited time
If only she would come back

If only I could tell her
How unfortunate I am to lose her
How wretched is this loneliness
How terrifying is the silence
And how painful is the interminable wait
If only she would come back

If only she would come back
And I know
She will come back!

Au Revoir

Saturday, September 01, 2007


There is no day when you don’t talk to her
There is no talk which doesn’t continue for hours
There is no hour when you don’t think about her
Still, she is so far away from you

No voice has ever been so soothing
No laughter has ever been so refreshing
No beauty has ever been so enchanting
Still, she is so far away from you

You have never known anyone better
You have never adored anyone more
You could have never asked for more
Still, she is so far away from you

You have never known any fear but of losing her
Of losing her, of losing her
Still, she is so far away from you
Because, she doesn’t love you

Au Revoir

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Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever nature created by Ankur Shanker, and included in the Solitary Meanderer weblog and any related pages, including the weblog's archives, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.